Our routine is designed to be flexible to allow for any eventuality.
We offer a free flow approach which allows children to access indoor and outdoor activities as they choose. The outdoor space becomes an extension of the indoor environment with the children being able to select activities and experiences and create and develop their own ideas.
There are mid morning and mid afternoon snack breaks where the children can choose from a selection of healthy fruit and vegetable snacks. Water is available throughout the day for the children.
We provide cooked meals for both lunch and tea. Lunch is served at 12.00 noon and tea at 4.15pm. The children sit together with staff supervising and assisting where needed.
The children also have the opportunity to go out into the local community - to the library, market place, train station and the Heath - to understand their surroundings and what goes on in Petersfield.
Each week, the children benefit from Active8Minds - a 45 minute sports based session and each half term they take part in Pyjama Drama - a fun filled 45 minutes of cleverly designed creative play where they develop key skills of listening, communication, co-operation and othe rsocial skills. All children who attend on these session days have the opportunity to take part.
To find out more about Jigsaw Day Nursery and our daily routine, why not visit us?